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Route Planning vs. Route Optimization

There's a prevalent misunderstanding regarding what "route planning" entails when it comes to routing and logistics. This is especially true when the word "route optimization" is mentioned. While these two terms are commonly confused, the truth is that they couldn't be more different.

So, what is the difference between route planning and route optimization, and how can you tell the two apart? We'll walk you through the distinctions and, more importantly, how they affect your ability to meet (and exceed) your customers' delivery expectations.

Route Planning is an outdated system

Route planning and route mapping, also known as sequencing, are inextricably linked. The practice of drafting driving directions (or routes) for several locations on a map and arranging them in the most logical and practical sequence is known as route planning.

The customer's home or business address is represented by each destination, which is based on a service or delivery order. The orders are usually written down on a list and then loaded into a route planner, or route planning software.

Route Optimization: A must-have tool for delivery businesses

Route optimization is a more efficient method of planning, managing, and mapping routes. Route optimization assists you in excelling at what you do by allowing you to build the most efficient routes based on criteria and restrictions other than distance. By constructing delivery routes based on more than just distance, route optimization assists you in excelling. Advanced algorithms allow you to take control of your deliveries and ensure that even the most complex requests are satisfied without skipping a beat with full route optimization.

Route Optimization is worth paying

The cost of last-mile delivery is the most concerning disadvantage. This is due to the fact that it entails distributing smaller amounts to a larger number of recipients. It's vital to focus on planning and efficiency to offset these greater costs, and route optimization is the most effective approach to do so.

Here is an overview on how route optimization might advantage you.

Reduce shipping charges

Fuel and labor are two of the most important factors to reflect upon when calculating logistics costs. That's because they're in charge of a large amount of your overall shipping charges. While a few miles out of the way for a single delivery may not seem like much, the extra gas money may soon add up when multiplied by several drivers and dozens of deliveries every day.

Quick Deliveries 

Cutting delivery times is advantageous not only for increasing productivity, but also for enhancing customer service. You'll have a distinct advantage over your competitors if you can deliver products faster, and clients will choose you over them if they know they'll have what they want sooner.

Take your business to new heights

You must have the financial resources to back up your investment in extra drivers and vehicles. Assessing your current productivity is a better way to go about this. By allowing you to accomplish more with less effort, route optimization can help you become more productive. This is the key to attaining your full progress potential.

In a last-mile delivery firm, effective and efficient driver routing is one of the most important controllable variables. If you're still planning routes based on destination locations, you're missing out. You should start looking for route optimization software to handle the talked issues. Comment your chosen brand in the comment section for recommendations. 

Contact one of our freight tech experts to learn more about ZUUM's route optimization technology.