[BR] Multilane Rate Upload

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Judy Lee


Judy Lee





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Mass Upload template: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QFuesLv25jYfp5L1ypFZqpRhnZS3uAzdOK3cCST0Ld0/edit?pli=1#gid=2074742724


Invision -> Multilane: Get Rates




Currently, the Instant Smart Pricing tool is only for single-lane use. We are adding a multi-lane ability for the Instant Smart Price now. This will help the brokerage get rates for multiple different rates, at the same time.

Once the user adds the file and clicks upload, the uploading process will:

  • add additional 5 columns

  • calculate the correct data for each cell item

  • uploads the new modified file on the data table and the user can download the updated file

The user will need to use a Zuum standard template in order for this to be successful. If there are errors such as:

  • incorrect formatting

  • empty fields

  • not using the Zuum standard template

It will result in an error and the file upload will fail. The user will be able to see this error message on the ‘upload document modal’ and be able to download the file, to see the error fields.

Mass Upload Requirements

1 As a user, I can view a list of previously uploaded lane files.
Design: IMG 1

  1. Create a new menu navbar section tab with: ‘Smart Pricing

    1. Move the ‘Instant Smart Pricing’ here

    2. Add the ‘Multilane Pricing' page here

  2. The Multilane Pricing page will display:

    1. Search text field, date range text field, Download and Upload button, and a table

  3. Download Template button is where the user can download the Zuum standard template

    1. the standard template is required to successfully acquire rates

  4. Upload button allows the user to upload the lane file

  5. The table displays all the files that the user uploaded, it acts as a record and gives the user the ability to go back and download the file anytime

    1. Checkbox, File name, description, Total number of lanes, Date Uploaded, Operator (who uploaded), download icon, and delete icon

2 As a user, I can upload a completed multilane pricing file.
Design: IMG 1

  1. When the user clicks Upload the upload modal will appear. Its the same modal component that we currently use in Zuum

    1. Description text field, Drag and drop/select file, Upload button, Cancel button

    2. Display info text of the rates based on the last 7 days

    3. The file should be in CSV format

  2. Once the user clicks Upload please display a processing indicator; it might take some time for the system to review the lanes and apply rates to the correct cell

  3. While its uploading, the system should add 12 additional columns and the correct data in the row. Use the last 7 days to calculate the rates:

    1. ID number

    2. Mileage

    3. Linehaul RPM (RPM = Rate per mile)

    4. Linehaul Flat Rate

    5. Fuel RPM

    6. Fuel Flat Rate

    7. Zuum Insta Price

    8. Final Price → left blank, this is where the user will input the price

    9. Suggested Trucker Rate

    10. DAT Average Rate to Trucker

    11. DAT Average Shipper Rate to Broker

    12. Difference Between Final Price and DAT Avg Shipper Rate to Broker

This is basically getting rates from Instant Smart Pricing but for multiple lanes, rather than single

4. When the user downloads the successful file, the CSV file will contain the additional columns and the data. Please refer to the google spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QFuesLv25jYfp5L1ypFZqpRhnZS3uAzdOK3cCST0Ld0/edit?pli=1#gid=2074742724

3 As a user, I can see if the file upload failed and the errors that caused it to fail.
Design: IMG 1

  1. If the file upload fails, the user will be able to see the reason why and download the file with the errors.

    1. The user can download the Zuum multi-lane file template

    2. the user can upload another file to replace the current file displayed

  2. Display the text ‘Upload Failed’ in the file preview

    1. Add a download icon, where the user can download the file to see the errors

    2. The error file will be an XLS file

  3. Below the file upload preview, display the error in a red container with an alert icon:

    1. Errors were found while uploading your lanes file. Please review the error and re-submit with correct fields and/or formatting. Please use the Zuum Multi-Lane Template for best results.

    2. Display the reason for the error below

  4. When viewing the downloaded error excel file, the cell should display the error

    1. [Error Column]: [Error Message]; [Error Solution]

    2. Example: Truck Type: invalid; please submit "Truck Type" as "V" for Van, "R" fo Reefer or "F" for Flatbed

      1. view the image below as an example of how it would be displayed in the file

Possible Errors:

Error Column

Error Message

Error Reason

Error Solution

Truck Type


if not in R,V, or F format or empty

please submit "Truck Type" as "V" for Van, "R" fo Reefer or "F" for Flatbed

Origin City, Origin Sate, Origin Zip Code


if not in three or five digit zip code format, or city and state character format, or empty

please submit "Origin" as a City Name and State and/or as a three/five digit zip code

Destination City, Destination State, Destination Zip Code


if not in three or five digit zip code format, or city and state character format, or empty

please submit "Destination" as a City Name and State and/or as a three/five digit zip code

Fuel Surcharge


if not in .xx format or empty

please submit custom "Fuel Surcharge" in .xx format or use Zuum's fuel program of .20

4 As a user, I can see the lanes page with the lanes from the CSV file.
Design: IMG 1 | IMG 1 - Specs

5 As a user, I can filter the table to see certain lanes.
Design: IMG 1 | IMG 1 - Specs

6 As a user, I can adjust the fuel price if needed, and it applies to all lanes and rates.
Design: IMG 1 | IMG 1 - Specs

7 As a user, I can see the new lane file that was added to the main page.
Design: IMG 1

  1. If the upload is successful, a new line item will appear on the main table so the user can access the lane page anytime.

8 As a user, I can download my lane file.

  1. Please refer to the google sheet for the multilane pricing template: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QFuesLv25jYfp5L1ypFZqpRhnZS3uAzdOK3cCST0Ld0/edit?pli=1#gid=2074742724

  2. When the user downloads the file, the user should see the original file uploaded with the inputted Origin, Destination, etc fields, along with the 12 additional columns and the data

    1. when downloading the file, it will be a CSV file format.

9 As a user, I can select one or multiple items.
Design: IMG 1

  1. The user can select one or multiple cell items. Once selected, please display the action bar below

  2. User can:

    1. See how many items are selected

    2. Download the file(s) selected

    3. Delete the file(s) selected