[BR] Appointment Queue

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Chris Son


Chris Son








 Accounting Clean Up 1.0




  • When the accounting team either builds a shipment or receives a shipment through EDI, they need to make a pickup and dropoff appointment.

  • Currently, the accounting team or service team (Eva, Celine, Cindy, and Alainna) copy that shipment information into a separate google sheet to manage and track their appointment tasks like below:


  • The process is too manual and disjointed from our system


The three triggers for a load to appear in the appointment page

Trigger #1: Changing appointment type to “Appointment Pending” when building a shipment

  • When you change the appointment type to “Appointment Pending” when building a shipment, this load will appear on the appointment page.

Important: we are NOT taking this load out of the shipment list and put it onto the appointment page. We are just mirroring the load to the appointment page so the user can manage the appointment task. The load status will be unchanged (Needs Carrier/Pricing Offers)

Trigger #2: When the user “ACCEPTS” the EDI tenders

Since the pickup (PU) and delivery(DL) date/time shown in EDI tenders are NOT confirmed with the facility, this needs to be reflected in the appointment page ONLY when we accept the EDI tenders.

  1. Pending Status

    1. Orange Triangle: This indicates that the date/time shown here is NOT confirmed yet.

      1. This load will appear in the appointment page

    2. If you want to change the status to “Confirmed,” you can click the icon and it will give you an option to “Mark it as confirmed”

    3. But if you want to change the date/time value, either you need to go to the appointment page or click into the load details which you will see it later.

  2. Confirmed Status

    1. Green Checkmark: This indicates that the date/time shown here is confirmed.

      1. Both PU and DL date/time need to be confirmed for the load to disappear on the appointment page.

    2. If you want to change the status to “Pending,” you can click the icon and it will give you an option to “Move into Appointment Queue”

    3. But if you want to change the date/time value, either you need to go to the appointment page or click into the load details which you will see it later.

Trigger #3: Whenever we change the confirmed PU/DL date and time or the appointment status to “Pending”

  • This refers to item #3 (Shipment List) and #4 (Stops tab) in the solution section.

  • We need to add the appointment status next to the pickup and delivery date/time

Solution #3: Shipment List

  • The interaction when you click on the status will be the same as described above

Solution #4: Stops

  • The interaction when you click on the status will be the same as described above

Appointment Queue

Design: Here

The objective of the page is to manage and track the loads that need an appointment confirmation from the pickup and dropoff location. The new flowchart for making appointment is:

1. Assign the load > 2. Send an email to the facility > 3. Get confirmed > 4. Change the date/time > 5. Mark the load as confirmed > 6. Complete the load

Assign the load

  • Assignee

    • As a default, it will be “unassigned”

    • As a user, you can assign the load to yourself, or as a manager, you can assign the loads to your teammate.

      • In the future, when you are assigned to an appointment task, you will be notified through email or notification center.

Send an email to the facility (PART 1)

Design: here

  1. Hover and clicked state

    1. This is when you hover and/or clicked on the appointment status button.

    2. This would be the same as the confirmed status.

  2. Pickup Confirmation Popup modal

    1. The title would be changed to “Delivery Confirmation” when you click on the status button in the delivery section.

  3. Suggested Date & Time

    1. We want to give users a suggested date and time for the pickup and dropoff.

    2. Here are the rules on how we display the suggestion:

According Mo: “For now, we don’t have to think about appointment times. We just need a general guide”


Rule #1

Assume drivers drive 650 miles per 24 hours

Rule #2

Every 3 days (1950 miles) transit, we have to add 18 hours for the driver to restart

Rule #3

Round up the numbers. For example:

  • 1.2 days = 1.5 days

  • 3.7 days = 4 days

For example:

Total transit distance

Suggested Date/Suggested # of transit days


700 miles

1.5 Days

700miles/650miles = 1.1 = 1.5 days (rule#3)

650 miles

1 day

650miles/650miles = 1 day

2400 miles

5 days

2400/650 = 3.6 = 4 days = 96 hrs (rule #3)

  • Since it’s over 3 days, we have to add 18 hours (rule#2)

(96 hrs + 18 hrs)/24hrs = 4.75 = 5 days (rule#3)

1500 miles

2.5 days

1500/650 = 2.3 days = 2.5 days (rule #3)

4. Pickup Date

a. This can be editable

b. This value will come from the load or EDI data

5. Pickup Time

a. The can be editable

b. This value will come from the load or EDI data

6. Confirmed Button

a. This button will be “inactive” state when the pickup date and time is blank

b. It will become “active” state when the date & time is entered

c. Once it’s clicked, the appointment status will be changed from “pending” to “confirmed”

7. Apply

a. The suggested date will be applied to the field when you click the “Apply” button

8. Pickup Confirmation

a. Field to enter pickup confirmation # if we have it

9. Phone number

a. We will display contact people’s names and phone numbers that are entered in the new location page below

b. Single select dropdown

10. Call button

a. Now that we incorporated a way to make a phone call via computer, we want to do it here as well

11. Email Address - Design Here

a. We will display contact people’s names and email addresses that are entered in the new location page below

b. Multiselect dropdown with checkboxes

12. Send an email button - Design Here

a. This will give a pop-up modal to send the email to the facility

b. You will be able to see the details in PART 2 below

13. Private Note

a. There are two scenarios for which private notes to display here.

1.Manual Shipment: Private Note from the location page

2. EDI Shipment: EDI notes coming from the customer

14. Confirmed Status

a. This button will display if you enter both date and time and click on the “confirmed button” (#6)

Send an email to the facility (PART 2)

  1. Title

    1. This will be changed to “Send Delivery Confirmation Email” if you are sending email for delivery

  2. Email From

    1. Performer’s name will be shown here

    2. This email will be sent from the accounting zuum email and this performer will be CC’ed in the email

      1. If the performer wants to add more people in the CC list, they can click the dropdown and select more people

  3. Email To:

    1. This is whoever was selected in the previous page

    2. Also can be edited if you click it and select/deselect people from the contact list.

  4. Appointment Email Subject

    1. This is templated subject

    2. Delivery Appointment Request [####] Customer Name

      1. #### = Load number

      2. Customer Name = Customer name here

  5. Appointment Email Body

    1. This is templated body text

  6. Date Requested

    1. This date will come from PART 1 (item #4)

  7. Time Requested

    1. This time will come from PART 1 (item #5)

    2. Display n/a if it’s not entered

  8. Shipment ID

    1. This will come from the load or EDI data

    2. Display n/a if it’s not entered

  9. Vendor PO #

    1. This will come from the load or EDI data

    2. Display n/a if it’s not entered

  10. Pickup Confirmation #

    1. This will come from the load or EDI data

    2. Display n/a if it’s not entered

  11. Cancel

  12. Send

Complete the Appointment Task

Design: Here

  1. Pickup Confirmed Status

  2. Delivery Confirmed Status

  3. Complete Button

    1. This button will become “Active” only when both #1 and #2 is confirmed

    2. Once you click the “Complete” button, this load will disappear and these appointment statuses will be updated to the load.