[BR] In Validation


  • This is a filter to see all the carriers who need validation


These are the use cases of how the carriers appear here:

  1. Invited through a link

  2. Created manually

  3. Created through CSV

  4. Expired Insurance

  5. Requested to MC Checked again

  6. Website onboarding

  7. Coming from an open funnel NOT MVP

  8. Coming from connection NOT MVP

Design: IMG | SPEC

  • New fields added

    • Established date

    • Approve/Reject

  • If the MC checked is “NO”

    • This carrier goes to Step #1

  • If the MC checked is “YES” & “Approved”

    • This carrier goes to Step #2

Use Case #2: Carriers created manually

Design: IMG | SPEC

Step #1: carrierOnboard_01

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Clicks the MC Checked

Use Case #3: Carriers created via CSV

New Template: Here

Use Case #4: Expired Insurance

  • Please see requirements here

Use Case #5: Requested to recheck the MC number

Design: IMG | SPEC

Step #1: carrierDetail_02

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Uncheck the MC Checked

Step #2: carrierDetail_01

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Check the OK to Load to a carrier who’s under experienced

Step 1: MC Check Required

Here is how you mark “Approve” or “Reject”

Step #1: carrierOnboarding_01

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Click Save Changes

Step #2: carrierOnboarding_01.2

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Enter required fields

Step #3: carrierOnboarding_01.3

Design: IMG | SPEC Aciton: Enter Save Changes

Step #4: carrierOnboarding_01.4

Design: IMG | SPEC Action: Click 2. Awaiting Carrier Document tab

Step 2: Awaiting Carrier Documents

You can see the upload status for each carrier

Design: IMG | SPEC

Step 3: OK to Load or Do Not Use

This is the last step of the validation process

Design: IMG | SPEC

Pop-up Modal

Design: IMG | SPEC

Filter the list

Design: IMG | SPEC Action: Click on the Experienced filter

Use Case #6: Website Onboarding

When carriers onboarding themselves from our website

  1. Requirements

    1. Since they are onboarding themselves, we need to validate the MC/DOT # first. Place them on the MC/DOT Check Required tab even if they uploaded all the docs

    2. But once the MC/DOT # is approved, take them the corresponding steps based on their document upload

Use Case #7: Accepting or Rejecting Ok-to-Load Request

Design: IMG

For non-managerial users or users without the Ok-to-Load capability, they send request to OK-to-load carriers to managers. Once requested, the carriers will be shown up on the In Validation > Ok to Load or Do Not Use section

  1. Request Queue

    1. According to Eva, Ok to Load and Do Not Use request must be reviewed by managers first before they handle other things below

    2. When operators or any users without the Ok to Load capability send a request to Ok to Load a carrier, that carrier will show up on the Request Queue

    3. Once all the request has been reviewed and taken action, this queue will disappear

    4. List the request by ascending order

  2. Search

    1. You can search by any value from this data table

  3. Request Type

    1. This will filter the request queue below

    2. When clicked you will get options like the below:

      1. All (# of carriers under this category)

      2. Ok to Load (# of carriers under this category)

      3. Do Not Use (# of carriers under this category)

  4. Company

    1. Display the carrier company name

  5. MC #

    1. Display the MC # here

  6. Requested by

    1. Person who requested

  7. Time Requested

    1. Displays when it was requested

  8. Request Type

    1. Display if the request to Ok to Load or Do Not Use a carrier

  9. Comment

    1. Display comments that the person who requested has entered

  10. Rejecting Request for Ok to Load

    1. Will give you a confirmation pop-up with the option to leave a comment

    2. Once you click “Yes, Reject,” the row will be cleared with the toast message saying:

      1. Text: Ok to Load request rejected

  11. Accepting Request for Ok to Load

    1. Click this will clear the row and will give you a toast message

      1. Text: Ok to Load request accepted

  12. Rejecting Request for Do Not Use

    1. Will give you a confirmation pop-up with a mandatary comment field

    2. Once you click “Yes, Reject,” the row will be cleared with the toast message saying:

      1. Text: Do Not Use request rejected

  13. Accepting Request for Do Not Use

    1. Will give you a confirmation pop-up with a mandatary comment field

    2. Once you click “Yes, Accept,” the row will be cleared with the toast message saying:

      1. Text: Do Not Use request accepted