[BR] Tech Reporting Widgets


The Tech Reporting widgets include:



Data Source

Bugs Report



Velocity Report



QA Report



Sprints Report



Backlog Report



Projects Report



1. Bugs Report

The Bugs report displays the total number of tickets in the “MASTER BOARD - ALL PRODUCTS 1.0” board on monday.com that have the “Stage” set to “Bugs”.

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 1 x 1

Widget Title: “Bugs Report”

2. Velocity Report

The Velocity Report displays the a percentage that represents the efficiency of each of the development teams.

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 2 x 1

Widget Title: “Velocity Report”


To calculate Velocity:

  1. Definitions

    1. Assign the following values (“build size value”) to the corresponding build sizes:

      1. XS = 1

      2. S = 2

      3. M = 8

      4. L = 16

      5. XL = 22

    2. An item is completed = when its “Stage status” changes from “In Dev” to “In QA”

    3. Sprint = a time period of two weeks, as set by the project manager

  2. Formula: Sprint Team Velocity =

    1. Calculate the total Build Size Value of all completed items for each group of developers (UA/RO) on the MASTER Board, for each sprint

  3. Team Velocity / Team Member =

    1. Divide the group’s Sprint Team Velocity by the total number of team members

  4. Average Team Velocity =

    1. The average Sprint Team Velocity over three Sprints

  5. Whole Team Sprint Velocity =

    1. The total Sprint Velocity of all dev groups

  6. Average Whole Team Velocity =

    1. Whole Team Sprint Velocity over three sprints


Each development team is its own group. Currently, there are two groups:

  • Team Romania

  • Team Ukraine

Each group has its own velocity.

3. QA Report

The QA Report provides displays data on how many tickets have been tested, and whether those tickets have passed or failed testing. The data is used to generate a “quality rating” for each group, and an overall team quality rating.

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 2 x 1

Widget Title: “QA Report”


Go through this with Jon

There are two groups (Team Romania, Team Ukraine).

For each group, we need to display the following data:

  • Tested

    • This is the total number of items/tickets in the “MASTER BOARD - ALL PRODUCTS 1.0” board that were in the “Stage” QA during the selected time interval.

  • Passed=

    • The total number of items/tickets that changed Stage from “in QA” to “In House Final QA”

  • Failed

    • The total number of items/tickets the “Failed” QA

  • Quality Rating

    • = Passed / Tested

The “Overall Quality Rating” = average quality rating of all groups.

4. Sprints Report

The Sprints Report displays the total number of “Sprints” that are currently “in progress, on schedule, behind, and completed” for the design group and the development group during the selected time interval.

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 2 x 1

Widget Title: “Sprints Report”


There are two groups (Development, Design).

For each group, we need to display the following data:

In Progress

Number of sprints that have started, but not yet completed

On Schedule

Number of sprints that are “in progress,” and have not yet passed the planned completion date


Number of sprints that are “in progress,” and have passed the planned completion date


Number of sprints that have been completed

Data Source:

  • Jon Gryn Which board can we pull this data from? Master Board REVIEW WITH JON

5. Backlog Report

The Backlog report displays the total number of tickets currently in the “backlog” for each of the following groups: product, design, development, QA.

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 1 x 2

Widget Title: “Backlog Report”


In the “MASTER BOARD - ALL PRODUCTS 1.0” board on Monday, there are the following groups:

  • Bugs Backlog

  • Unfeasible Backlog

  • Nice-to-have Backlog

  • Product Backlog

  • Dev Projects Only Backlog

  • Design (current sprint backlog)

  • In Dev (Current Sprint Backlog UA Team)

  • In Dev (Current Sprint Backlog RO Team)

  • Zuum 2.0 Backlog (future)

  • Feature Requests

This widget displays a list of the above groups, as well as the total number of items in each group.

The text color for each list item matches the color of the group in Monday.

6. Projects Report

The Projects Report displays the total number of projects that are currently “Ongoing” and the total number of projects that have been “Completed.”

Widget Info:

Widget Size: 1 x 1

Widget Title: “Backlog Report”
