[BR] EDI Tender - Accept/Reject

Last Updated

Document owner

Judy Lee




When a load comes in via EDI, they will appear in a queue page, that needs to be approved or rejected, before covering the load.

A View EDI tenders

A1 As a user, I can view a list of EDI tenders in queue
Design (2 screens): Invision Link

  1. Create a new page under 'Shipments' 

    1. Add a notification badge with number of shipments pending for approval

    2. The loads will appear in this page and in the regular Shipments load board

  2. To be displayed:

    1. Search text field

    2. Filter dropdown → filter by customer name

    3. Date Range → by default it will be the past 30 days

    4. ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ buttons

  3. There will be a mini dashboard, displaying the total number of EDI tenders:

    1. Pending (currently)

    2. Accepted (total # accepted in the date range)

    3. Rejected (total # rejected in the date range)

    4. Total EDI Tender (total # received in the date range)

  4. A table will display a list of EDI tenders

    1. New status: EDI Tender - Pending Approval

    2. Columns to be displayed: Customer, PO/Ref, Countdown (to expire), Load ID, Load Status, Truck Type, Weight, Picks, Pick Date, Drops, Drop Date, Distance, Income, Originator, Notes, Accept/Reject buttons

    3. All columns should be sortable, like current tables

A2 As a user, I can select one or multiple cells.
Design: Invision Link

  1. By default, the ‘Accept' and ‘Reject’ buttons will be disabled

  2. Once a cell is selected the 'Accept' and 'Reject' will be active

A3 As a user, I can click on a cell to view shipment details
Design: Invision Link

  1. Same functionality when the user clicks on a shipment, only with a few changes

  2. Load status: EDI Tender - Pending Approval

  3. ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ buttons are also displayed

  4. Disable all text fields so the user cannot edit it - the ‘Save Changes' button should not exsit

A4 As user, I can approve or reject the EDI tender
Design: Invision Link

  1. When the user clicks ‘Approve’ the shipment will:

    1. Update status to Needs Carrier - Appointments Pending

    2. Will be removed from the queue page

    3. this activity will display on the ‘Activity Log’ with the operator’s name

  2. When the user clicks ‘Reject’ the shipment will:

    1. Update status to EDI Tender - Declined

    2. add a new filter with updated status

    3. Will be removed from the queue page

B Receive Email of EDI Tender

B1 As a user, I will receive an email of a new EDI tender load.

  1. Use the new shipment email template

    1. CTA will be the load details page for the EDI tender waiting for a response.